From Building Construction to Infrastructure

from Environmental Technology to Digitalization

A wide, yet in-depth and international network as well as personal access to decision-makers in building materials and construction industry, and awareness of the latest ESG & Sustainability trends, are particular features of the Building & Construction Practice Group.

With industry knowledge and relevant experience in the construction industry, we address the specific management requirements of today for our clients.

Our expertise in functional and technical topics, such as new skills and job profiles regarding the digitalization of the construction industry with the topics Building Information Modeling (BIM), intelligent & technical building management, energy efficiency, sustainability, circularity, BREAAM, 3D and more is highly appreciated by our clients.

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In a sometimes still conservative industry, new building technologies with alternative materials enter the landscape. With a changing political environment, demanding sustainability and circularity, a new type of inspirational leadership is needed. Companies must be able to attract young people into an industry facing a significant outflow of its most senior colleagues.

Hans Jonkers
Managing Director
Let's connect
Antonia Dieg
Project Manager
Let's connect

Executive search for the construction industry

Our Executive Search experts are looking for top talent for senior and executive management in finance, commerce, supply chain and HR, CEOs, managing directors and supervisory board members. Not only for international corporations, but also for PE owned portfolio companies and medium-sized family-run companies.

Assessment services for the construction industry

Together with our clients, we develop competence and requirement profiles, find suitable candidates and evaluate them in management assessments. Through a targeted onboarding program, we support the placed executives in their fresh entry and successful integration into the company.

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