Empowering Manufacturing

Navigating Complexity with Tech Advancements

The conditions for entrepreneurs and managers are currently particularly complex and challenging. Established business processes are being disrupted, and innovation is now a prerequisite for growth and sustaining margins. Vertically integrating supply chains presents both opportunities and threats. Recent developments in robotics, IoT, and AI/ML have made outsourcing and offshoring questionable, potentially making nearshoring or insourcing viable business options.


Depending on a company’s orientation, the demands on the management team can vary significantly, especially in the industrial segment. Overarching success factors such as innovative strength, sustainability, and technology leadership are just as important as the competence of managers to address the complex situation in the manufacturing industry with appropriate and future-oriented solutions.

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With our special focus on innovation, digitalization and future viability, are we the sparring partner and source of inspiration for our clients in terms of leadership competencies and relevant technologies. We support you along the entire value chain.

Klaas Bovenhuis
Managing Partner & Program
Director Governance Academy
Let's connect
Antonia Dieg
Project Manager
Let's connect

Executive search for the Industry

The Industry Practice Group is a partner to both internationally oriented medium-sized companies and global players in its segment. We advise manufacturing companies involved in the development and production of technical products with high innovation pressure.

In the Netherlands we specifically support the Semi-Conductor/EMS industry, the Automotive, Aviation and Shipping industry, the installation and construction materials industry as well as the pump and filter industry.

Clients in life sciences manufacturing are served by our MedTech & Life Sciences practice group.

Clients in Installations, Building and Construction supplies are served by the Building & Construction practice group.

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