Change Capability Profile

The online diagnostic tool quantifies the change skills of your managers and employees. The CCP thus forms the basis for deriving development and optimization measures to increase the effectiveness of your change processes.

You want to optimize change processes and empower your workforce to successfully manage challenging changes but you don't know where to start? The right attitudes, skills and framework conditions make the difference.

With the Change Capability Profile, Kienbaum determines the change competence of your managers and employees and measures individual and collective development potential at the mindset, skillset and toolset levels . The contextual factors of your organization are also taken into account, as these have a major influence on the willingness to change. 


Whether digitalization, climate change or the Covid-19 pandemic: the modern working world is characterized by transformation and continuous disruption . Due to these social challenges, change processes have long since become a constant , which places new demands on the skills required in the future Future Skills ). Transformative skills are the most important skills for the future and companies are increasingly demanding these from their employees. They enable people  to take on social challenges, design innovative solutions and have the courage to then consistently implement them. 

The ability to not perceive changes as a threat, but to deal with them effectively and shape them positively or even initiate them , is therefore highly relevant in the future. Those companies that adapt quickly and flexibly to new goals and strategies and actively design and courageously implement their change management are or will be successful . Therefore, the focus should be on training and further education in transformative skills for employees in an organization - for example, through a constant assessment of skill needs and targeted further development.

What Specific Benefits Are Achieved by Using the CCP?

As Part of Change and Transformation Projects
  • Identification of  development areas  at the individual, team or organizational levels for empowerment in change
  • Identification of  change multipliers and  change skeptics in order to address them appropriately to the target group and use them in the project
  • Opportunities for  process optimization  by collecting relevant  contextual factors
  • Identification systemic  patterns that negatively impact change management through  aggregated reports
As Part of Leadership Development
  • Capturing skills, knowledge and practical experience with change, taking into account the special role as a manager
  • Identification of individual development areas based on the personal results report
  • Derivation of qualification offensives and accompanying measures based on the aggregated results report.
As Part of Selection Processes (Recruiting)
  • Assessment of the change competence of potential employees and managers as a hiring criterion (e.g. cultural fit analysis, diagnostics, etc.)
  • Comparison of job requirements with the change skills of applicants and employees
  • Opportunity to make well-founded personnel decisions (also internally) with regard to the applicants' ability to change

Procedure for the Change Capability Profile

Do You Want to Actively Manage Change Skills in Your Company and Thus Exploit the Full Potential of Your Workforce?

For successful change management, organizations need change-competent managers and employees. In order to promote and optimize change competence and performance in change , these must be recorded and quantified in the first step, taking the framework conditions into account.

The Change Capability Profile examines the development needs of individuals in terms of willingness and ability to change and provides information about the status quo of the workforce or selected groups/teams using an aggregated results report. The multi-method approach also measures unconscious attitudes towards change processes in order to avoid socially desirable answers. An individual results report that is automatically generated after processing contains differentiated results as well as personal strengths and risks for personal development. Employers receive company-wide or group-specific overall reports with industry-specific benchmarks.

The Change Capability Profile was developed in scientific cooperation with the Kienbaum Institute for Leadership and Transformation at the International School of Management in Dortmund. Scientists and experts with a background in business psychology and aptitude diagnostics as well as proven practitioners work at the Kienbaum Institute and at Kienbaum itself. They make it possible to make change competence measurable through data-based audits of individuals. These procedures result in reliable results about employees’ ability to change.

Measuring Unconscious Attitudes Towards Change Using Implicit Association Tests

In the Change Capability Profile, in addition to the conscious mindset as an important element of change competence, unconscious attitudes are also measured. These are recorded using an Implicit Association Test (IAT). The IAT is a psychologically based procedure in which words have to be assigned to specific categories over time. Based on the reaction times, implicit attitudes can be inferred. The results enable the comparison of conscious and unconscious attitudes for even more differentiated feedback on the ability to change.

Innovative Forced Choice Question Format

The Change Capability Profile uses an innovative approach to measure the dimensions of mindset and skillset. The statements that describe the different dimensions are presented in blocks of 3 statements each. The participant must choose the statement that best applies to themselves. A complex statistical analysis enables the calculation of individual results for each dimension without producing ipsative data. The advantage of this modern measurement approach is that it hardly allows for any distortions and thus produces more valid results.

Preliminary Conversation:

  • Motivation / goal definition
  • Presentation of the tool and the model
  • Prioritization of questions

Duration: 1/2 day


  • Conducting the survey
  • Collecting returns
  • Help desk service

Duration: approx. 14 days


  • Automatic evaluation of individual result reports
  • Preparation of group results
  • Creation and provision of the group report

Duration: approx. 7 - 14 days

Review Workshop:

  • presentation of results
  • Derivation of concrete recommendations for action

Duration: 1 day

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