Kienbaum Leadership Compass

This digital tool enables you to analyze your leadership behavior and provides specific recommendations for action.

Our Digital Aptitude Diagnostics for More Efficient Human Resource Management

The Kienbaum Leadership Compass enables executives and companies to assess and reflect both their own as well as their managers’ individual leadership behaviors. The online tool focuses on behaviors that are crucial for digitalization – from strategic leadership that provides tangible support by mapping out pathways to transformative practices driven by inspiration, motivation and intellectual stimulation. In relation to these two and five further leadership styles, the Compass reveals the user’s individual characteristics alongside findings that span the entire organization. It also helps to identify leadership behaviors that involve risks, such as potentially dangerous pragmatism.

In a fast-moving and continuously changing environment like the digitalized economy, different management styles emphasize different aspects of leadership. These exert a major influence on both employee performance and the effectiveness of the enterprise as a whole. However, countless managers are unaware of their own style of leadership. This is where the Leadership Compass comes in: Via an online check, an analysis of the collected data and subsequent discussion of the results and next steps, the tool enables users to categorize their own behavior in a profound way that facilitates the formulation of specific recommendations for action. The Compass thus provides a solid platform for users to engage in systematic reflection upon their individual management styles and the ability to safeguard efficiency in the core business while at the same time fostering agility and innovation. Its overriding purpose is to identify development potential in both individuals and the entire organization and to define relevant actions.

The Scientific Basis of the Tool is Provided by the Leadership Survey 2018, Which Was Conducted by Kienbaum and the Kienbaum Institut @ism. According to Its Findings, the Fusion of Transformative and Strategic Leadership on the One Hand and Digital Management Skills on the Other Triggers an Increase in Employee Innovation and Work Engagement.

Securing Success Through Evaluation of Aptitude and Performance

In addition to management assessments, we support your company in the development and step-by-step implementation of sustainable aptitude analysis processes, tools and instruments as well as the corresponding qualification of your employees. In addition, we advise and support you in identifying critical success requirements for your employees and managers and translate these into your own competency and potential model. We systematically build on your corporate goals and market-strategic challenges.

A pivotal factor for sustainable success of your company is to identify the competence, potential and performance profile of your employees in a secure and resource-oriented way. With (digital) aptitude testing procedures, we support your company in filling strategic key positions, identifying talents and top performers, as well as in targeted executive development. Our portfolio of diagnostic tools and methods and our many years of cross-sector experience in national and global companies enable us to support you with tailor-made concepts.

Leadership Compass

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